Teeth Whitening: Natural Home Remedies
Teeth whitening home remedies that won’t cause damage
As we grow older, inevitably, our teeth will eventually turn yellow. Fortunately, there has been great innovation in methods to slow this process, with some even promising to overturn it.
Various teeth whitening products are available in local drugstores and department stores. However, if you want to opt for something more natural, there are also boundless options you can try.
How to naturally whiten teeth?
We have listed some natural teeth whitening solutions to take care of stains on your teeth and protect your tooth enamel.
Make necessary changes to your diet
Eliminate foods that leave a stain on your teeth from your diet. Foods and drinks with tannins, like tea, wine, and coffee, stain your teeth.

Foods high in acid can also cause teeth to yellow by damaging the tooth enamel. People looking to prevent their teeth from turning yellow should avoid consuming soda, coffee, and citrus excessively. Otherwise, brushing their teeth after having them could help minimize the chances of staining.
Dental health practitioners advise waiting at least half an hour after eating before you can brush your teeth. Acids can weaken your tooth enamel, so brushing right after may cause further damage.
Tobacco products also leave stains on your teeth. It also promotes a wide array of gum diseases and tooth decay. Which, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems.
Oil pulling
Wash your mouth with oil to eliminate debris, dirt, and bacteria that brushing your teeth alone cannot get rid of. With that said, please do not take it as a substitute for flossing.
There has been a study suggesting that oil pulling may aid in whitening the teeth. To try this method, swish oil around your mouth for at least a minute after toothbrushing, then spit it all out.
You may use any of these oils for oil pulling:
- sunflower oil
- coconut oil
- sesame oil
Brush your teeth with baking soda
Baking soda can polish stains away from the teeth’ surface gently. Do not worry that baking soda is too harsh; it will not grind your tooth enamel away. Research done in 2017 concluded that baking soda is an effective and safe way to get rid of stains.

It also helps fight bacteria buildup, which means that it is also capable of minimizing plaque and avoiding tooth decay.
To use this remedy, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with the paste. You can do this a few times per week, every other week. Be careful not to overdo it or make it a part of your routine, however. Overexposure to baking soda can damage your teeth.
Use hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a type of bleach that can whiten your teeth safely. For best results, you can use a mix of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day, for an entire week.
However, it would be best if you did not do this every week without taking a break. Hydrogen peroxide can make your teeth very sensitive, so it is not advised to use it as a long-term solution, especially for people already suffering from tooth sensitivity.
Eat fruits that have whitening properties
Pineapples and papayas have enzymes called Bromelain and Papain which can help whiten teeth naturally.
A study conducted in 2012 found preparatory evidence that extracts with these ingredients present whitening capabilities. However, the researchers warned that additional research is needed to ensure the effectiveness of these enzymes.
Practicing exceptional oral hygiene
Practicing good oral hygiene is the best method to avoid tooth yellowing. Habitual brushing of the teeth with flossing will protect the enamel, remove stains, and prevent gum decay.

Why do teeth turn yellow?
There are two main reasons why teeth turn yellow, both of which tend to expedite with age:
Thinning of enamel
The outside layer of a tooth consists of enamel, it is color white, and its job is to protect the inner structure. Underneath the enamel, there is dentin, a yellow-brown layer of tissue. Once the enamel layer begins thinning, the teeth will start looking darker.
Gum disease, acidic foods, and aging wear down the tooth enamel. However, a small number of people are born with naturally thin enamel.
Certain foods and ingredients can cause lasting stains on the teeth. Some foods may not just cause stains but also wear down the tooth enamel, which causes further discoloration. Some antibiotics may also leave stains on your teeth.
How can you prevent tooth sensitivity?
To stop tooth sensitivity from coming back, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste with fluoride in brushing your teeth. Do not brush too harshly and use gentle strokes instead. Some toothpaste available on the market are too abrasive, so choose one that is mild. If you are a teeth grinder, visit a dentist and get fitted for a mouthguard. Tooth grinding does not only cause sensitivity but breaks teeth as well. Daily flossing helps too.

Stay away from acidic foods and drinks, like citrus fruits and sodas. If you cannot avoid consuming acidic drinks, use a straw to minimize direct contact with your teeth. Drink water right after eating or drinking something acidic to balance the acid levels in your mouth.
Why do you feel increased sensitivity after you whiten?
Sensitive teeth can develop after teeth whitening. The sensitivity results from chemicals from the whitening process that enter dentin tubules, which are microscopic channels in the enamel that lead to nerves.
Whitening ingredients that may cause damage
Dental health practitioners advised against using some natural teeth whitening agents because they do more harm than good; some of them are:
- oranges
- activated charcoal
- lemons
- apple cider vinegar
Very few people are blessed with naturally white teeth. However, keeping your oral hygiene and routine checkups with your dentist will help delay the natural process of teeth discoloration.
Having yellow teeth is not a symptom of a health issue, but it is best to have it regularly checked by a dentist to make sure you are not suffering from loss of enamel and tooth decay.
You can choose between natural ingredients to help you with teeth whitening in the comfort of your own home or visit a dentist and undergo a professionally administered teeth whitening procedure.
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